Following up our meeting with Jim Clyburn after the meeting with President Biden

An evening with Jim Clyburn discussing the development of South Carolina and Charleston’s

The Oaktree recently met with President Biden and Jim Clyburn when the President paid a visit to Columbia.ย  Last night we had dinner with Jim Clyburn. The discussion came to be about how The Oaktree can help South Carolina with the PFAS problem that the world currently suffers from, and the need for more carbon-negative energy.ย 

It also came to be more specific about how we intend to generate jobs, power, and better air. The standing joke of the evening was, “If you can make Charleston smell good, then you can count on support from Washington!” For The Oaktree everyone in politics must understand, and support what we are working on. By the way, we can and intend to improve the air in Charleston.ย 

It’s important that we have Senators, Governors, and Representatives behind us, it increases the energy in the projects and solves a lot of minor hurdles that need to be solved.

This wasn’t the only support we got during Friday, but the other support here in S.C. deserves posts by themself, so they will be posted within a few days after we’ve visited their Counties later this week.

