
Decentralized carbon-negative power production for increased resilience
Decreasing the need for investment in infrastructure

Decreasing the need for investment in infrastructure
Workers at electrical transformer substation

The Oaktree develops and finances Build, Own & Operate (BOO) Independent Power and Biochar Producer (IPBP) in a Factory in a Box mode to provide the opportunity to immediately improve network stability in light of increased demand. This not only provides network stability but also allows for the existing power producers to deliver more power without additional investment as The Oaktree’s injection of power in the load centers increases the overall network capacity.

The Oaktree’s IPBPs are flexible in operation and through their Factory in a Box design require limited site preparation.

The Oaktree’s IPBPs’ feedstock is biomass pellet manufacturers from an array of waste and residue materials providing a stable continuous base load.

In addition, The Oaktree takes responsibility for the exhaust gasses from the facility by partnering using the exhaust gasses to produce algae in its bioreactor, eliminating all GHG.